Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Economic Downturn

There's so much talk about it. Everyone's worried. Companies being bought over, jobs being cut. These are real people with real worries. in the midst of this, life still carries on with it's everyday happenings. Exams, sickness, break-up's. . . How do we as Christians react in a way that is different from the rest of the world? Do we HAVE to react differently? Remember, we are "Kingdom" people. (Luke 17:21)


  1. I guess we don't have to react differently. "Kingdom" people are still human after all. But what sets us aside is not out reaction, but how we deal with it/get over it. We know that even if the world came to a stop, it wouldn't matter, because we still have hope in something greater than the most powerful banks in the world. -Hannah

  2. We sob, scream, and kick up a fuss...until the US President pumps billions into the rescue the gits who did it to us in the first place. Viva La Politic! -- Chris
